Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Admittance Except on Official Party Business

We had extra cause to celebrate while in New Zealand. Dan's 27th birthday was on May 23rd, and although it wasn't quite his One Hundred and Elevent-ith birthday, we still had to ring it in Middle Earth style. We spent the morning kayaking through beautiful green water and giant rock formations. Then we headed to our new favorite bar, the Sprig and Fern for some hearty ales and pizza. New Zealand was really made for Dan. The pub was filled with babies, old locals and an incredibly fit pack of Marathoners. Although lacking in Hobbits, it might as well have been the Green Dragon. Interesting fact, the Sprig and Fern brewed the beer used in the Prancing Pony scene in LOTR. Pretty awesome way to spend a 27th birthday!

Dan's make shift birthday cake.

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