Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nelson pt. I

Our arrival in New Zealand was delayed. We were supposed to land in Auckland and get a connecting flight to Nelson, but apparently the wind was too strong and we were diverted to Christchurch. Airport staff in New Zealand are so good-natured that we couldn't get too upset about it, even when our luggage went on to Auckland without us. But Lynn and Jay, Nissa's aunt and uncle who are hosting our stay in New Zealand, found us in the Nelson airport at the right time and we headed straight to the beach. Nelson is on the coast of the south island, and the surroundings are beautiful.

oyster catchers

On our way home to have dinner, we decided to get some beer from the local brewery. In New Zealand there is a wonderful practice of getting "riggers" when you want beer to go. Bring your own container, and the bartender will fill it up with beer on tap, for much cheaper.

On our second morning we went to the local market and met some of Lynn and Jay's friends. Here is Jay in front of the stand where he has been selling sun hats from Oregon.

We also visited the shop that created the One Ring for The Lord of the Rings movies, and had a helpful jewelry lesson from one of the Danish brothers that now runs the shop. They do wedding rings...

These last few photos are from a walk we took up a hill that was a short walk from the house we are staying at.

We ended the night with an outdoor film festival, which was held in a large church. The short films ranged from extreme kayaking in Africa to ice climbing to an absolutely heart-stopping video about the world's best solo free climber, who can climb rock walls thousands of feet high without any equipment. It was a good introduction to New Zealand - people here are really into the outdoors, and the place was absolutely packed for the film festival. We had to arrive early to get a seat, and it seemed half the town had turned out. And I have to admit, for lovers of the outdoors, I've seen few if any better places to live.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this canyon is soooo beautiful! You must have been pretty close to that sheep, too - New Zealand sheep aren't scared of people? Wait...are American sheep scared of people? Obviously I don't know much about sheep...I love that pic of the water with the clouds, too (the one third from the bottom). GORGEOUS!
